I've seen a couple images on the internet lately with clothing adorned with rosettes. At first, I was "eh" about them. I kept imagining the Project Runway season where that one girl put rosettes on everything and everyone got so annoyed. But then I did some googling. While this image (via blog.glam.com)doesn't do the trend much justice, you get the idea of what high end designers have dabbled in rosettes:

BEFORE, a basic black vest from wet seal.

AFTER (below), my snazzed up rosette vest. I picked up some rosette ribbon and kind of randomly went about sewing it on. Originally, I wanted to cover the front panels, but I definitely like it this way instead. Just a little embellishment, nothing too over-the-top.

I will post pictures of me wearing it soon! Hope you like my new creation!!
nice DIY , love it